
Showing posts from April, 2023

A Chilly Winter Camp on Sheffield Pike

Back in January I completed my first winter wild camp. Here is the story:  "You two are daft!" That was the general reception I received when telling anyone about our planned January wild camp on the top of Sheffield pike. Incredulousness is a relative thing. To someone who has never walked up a fell, the idea of climbing Scafell Pike or Ben Nevis may seem extreme. To someone who has ascended Everest, they would be walks in the park. Likewise, for people who have never wild camped, the very idea of camping atop a fell is a bit mad; to do it atop a fell in the wintry snow is foolhardiness. To seasoned wild-campers, of course, our winter wild camp would be seen as pretty unremarkable. But just as expectations are relative, so too is the pride we take in achieving our goals. Having never done a winter wild camp before, we both saw this as a challenge and I was pleased to have gotten through it unscathed (aside from the cold I acquired the following day which it most likely contr